Luxury Addictions Services


Are you looking for help?


Is Addiction A Disease?

Most treatment programs for substance abuse follow a medical model that views this problem as a disease. This is one reason why many fail.

Our Program Offers Individual Treatment

"Most treatment programs for substance abuse follow a medical model that views this problem as a disease. This is one reason why many fail."

Who Chooses Luxury Addiction Treatment?

Luxury drug addiction treatment can be found all over the world, but who chooses this option, and why do they choose luxury treatment in the first place?

Valiant Recovery is taking rehab to a whole new level by incorporating drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation in a Luxury residential setting. We are able to ensure our clients are comfortable and able to concentrate on their recovery in an ideal recovery environment.
What Is Individual Treatment?


Our mandate is simple; We offer a higher quality of care to our clients by having a higher staff ratio of caring professionals, we don’t believe in a “one size fits all” approach at Valiant Recovery. And by providing an elegant surrounding while going through an intensive recovery process your loved one will be at ease.

You or a loved one will get more individualized counselling and therapy that is specifically focused on, and tailored to, their needs. We aim to treat the reason for the addiction and to prepare your loved one to return home so that your home lives are less stressful and so that hope can replace fear in the future.